Tuesday, July 19, 2005

like the light
around your eyes
she builds ideas
with her hands
her mind
light on her feet
out of your sight
following the rhythms
she turned
around the fragments
of your life


Its the stories that link us. everyone has one. everyone is part of one...or maybe even a dozen. There are so many different versions and yet its all the same....
Ever wonder how many there must be.. stories that is... ever thought of counting them all or even the ones you came across this week or maybe just today. and how does one keep track of it all when your story bleeds into mine or hers into yours.....


Anonymous said...

one doesn't keep track i guess... we're all bleeders to some extent i guess. : ) ... (arr)

Rude Awakenings said...

What beautiful words your thread together. Very impressive.
And yes, counting stories would be as futile as counting stars.
