Every country, every city in the world has a desi community! No matter where you are in the world not only will you find desis, which
ofcourse you will, but you will find desi
communities. Its incredible. its like we're all drawn together by some magnificent
"desiforce" (whoa could be a name for a cartoon on ptv)
And it doesnt even matter if the desis in question have anything, other then their desihood, in common...hell it doesnt even matter if the desis in question like each other. None of that matters. Nothing will keep
"the desis" from communityofying!! dhen dhen! (refecting back on the the cartoon theme ;))
Actually all of this is quite cool, given the ridiculous 'gora-complexes' that so many of us suffer from and the desi-land bashing that everyone thinks is oh-so-hip to indulge in, there is still a bond so strong that goes beyond that and keeps us bound.
I mean comon there are even unofficial desi blogrings on this blogger thing.And to think I came here to get an "anonymous yet public forum for my private thoughts". hah! how naive was I. Within 2 days of blogging I already found a bunch of people i knew, not well, but in the general know-off way that everyone knows of everyone else in pakistan ...esp khi.
But yea...i dont get it though. I dont know how everyone is able to write in these blogs while knowing your friends are going to be reading this. I dont thnk i could ever do that. or even if i did it would be a very different blog. I duno0o its like for the longest time i wouldnt let the significant other see me in my costume when we went swimming...i would insist he look away till i was safely in the water (i dunno if he always did tho) But for him it made no sense because he was like but all tehse other random people are looking at you and youre fine with that?!?! and I was. thats the point. theyr random. they have no actual bearing on my life. so what difference should it make to me. Needless to say he doesnt understand me blogging either. But you know thats how its always been with me. I dont think iv felt freer then on the streets in the midst of a crowd when iv known theres no one around who i know or who knows me. im free to do all the crazy retarded things I want. sing dance skip hop make faces at strangers for the fuck of it ...yes iv done it all.
last week i was behind this lady while crossing the street and i kept muttering "run run run"
under my breath ...by the time we got to the other side she was practically running! hahah it was daymn funny ...a lil mean maybe but hysterical still...i didnt really think she could even hear me.
but yeaaa getting back to the point..ok now iv forgptten ...gotta go back and read. wait .