Sunday, April 24, 2005

Heres a trick ques: what and where is the clitoris?!

heres a comment i left on anothers blog that made me want to say this and so much more:

"..... heres a little peice of information.... in Islam if a woman is not Sexually Satisfied That is a valid reason for divorce ...so0o yeaa ...belive it or not female orgasms are definatly up there in the list of priorities for the Muslim male!!!"

the response i got was:

"i feel pity. but never mind."

so0o now here i am ...torn between wanting to laugh or say wtf and then what the fuck all over again!!!!
i love how so0o there are so0o many people out there can be so0o0o ......why is it the only word that comes to mind is "difficult" ..... I mean seriously! yes why dont you pick and choose what you feel "relevent" from your religion and "nevermind" the rest. I mean COMON!
Why is it that our desi society is so0o0o closeminded when it comes to sex!! why is it such a big taboo?? everyones obbsessed with it!! EVERYONES doing it!! Deal with it rather then frowning and looking away!!
and the thing is if going by Islam sex is meant to be the most beautiful, most sacred act. Its not wrong, its not shameful and its not vulgar conversation!!!
Yes sex is meant to be monogomous within a marraige. Iv dont disagree with that. I personally believe that but I wouldnt be judging people for their own personal (PRIVATE) choices...
Hey!! what about the number of people who lie, cheat, SCAM (all u proud desi scammers out there), and hurt people ?!!? What the fuck about you lot?!?! Why do you get off scott free without oweing any moral or religious obligations whatsoever.

The main reason I find this whole thing so disturbing is that this is a topic that needs to be disscussed. Esp in our society....with all the misinformation, myths and random crap floating around people need to be INFORMEDDD!!! Sex is complicated, emotional and a very important part of life .... in or outside marriage. It should be talked abt properly ....w/o all the sharam and embarrasement. And honestly the information you get from porn/ the shitty so-called sex-ed classes/advice from frnds who dont know any better then you/and the sex talks youre not getting from parents, really isnt helping matters.
Why is it that bawdy vulgar jokes and galis that degrade the most intimaate parts of a woman's body, are perfectly acceptable social behaviour among the desi males, but one Sex and the City episode leaves them covering their eyes and doing their "tobah tobah" "astakhfaullahs"? grow up already!!


Saad F'akhtar said...

Clitoris (Saad Akhtar Definition) -- part of female anatomy often sexually equated to the male penis and experiencing similar physical sensations.

Location: "front and centre, oliver. front and centre" according to Jane from 'Coupling'

The sexual repression is a convenient way of being all-powerful, superior men. also it allows the great, sagacious mullahs of this world to molest, sexually abuse and otherwise traumatize unsuspecting womena nd children who dont possess the least clue about sex.

considering ur post developed out of the rantings of a deranged elf, i think ur possibly letting ur brain work over-time! =)

Paul said...

Sex is a taboo topic in a lot of societies, it's generally-speaking controlled by religion and I couldn't agree with you more that it needs to be discussed, so talk away.

PS. thanks for coming by my blog and commenting :)

naked feet said...

YES! that post on his blog was REALLY annoying.

i've lost the patience to try to argue it out. such strong beliefs that are SO wrong just overwhelms me with exhaustion

it would be funny if he's reborn a woman... and had to deal with a man with his own values

anyway, the reason why i came here.. it was nice knowing that another person out there suffers from the same analysis paralysis (i find it hilarious that only women agreed whole heartedly with that post) :)

just muttering said...

hahah thnkx saad. very impressive...well its not only the elf..its just the type of attitude about such things...urgh just realized my ans was going to be another post so0o ill let it go :)

mac: ur blog is hysterical ...totally sexist at times ...but hey its a man's world heheh ...once again thnkx immensly for the post and kind words ....really lifted my spirits :)

naked feet: thnkx for comming and commenting. Sometime you have to pick ur battles and more importantly pick who you battle with...why waste ur breath if the person on the other side isnt even listening. you do what you can ...the rest...well..c'est la vie ;)

Ent said...

lol. i could talk about who's listening. most of my arguments were thrown out the window by angry illogical outbursts. ain't gonna bother now though. koi faida nahee hai..
Saad: eheheheheh