Monday, August 29, 2005

shhhhh! i promise i wont tell....

"I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;"
-- The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock
so tell me if you were given a day, just one, without consequences... what would you do w/ it?
one day of your life that that had no bearing whatsoever on the rest of it....
no rules no restrictions no aprehensions no complications. Do with it what you will! .... what would you?
where would you start? who would you offend? what risks would you take? what Absolutely U.n.s.p.e.a.k.a.b.l.e. Acts would you commit??
come on spill it! the darkest of you.... go ahead ... use the anonymous option ...i really dont care .... i just want to know ...
if this reality werent bound up in codes of rights/wrongs/morals/ethics/duty/responsibility/ what will he think/she feel...all of the chains that hold this wreck together.... that ground us (for better or worse) ...if they were to unravel just for a day ... how far would you go?? ?


Me. said...

I'd kill a few people...knowing that I won't land up in jail. Some people need to be handed out my own brand of justice...

Anonymous said...

ohh! this is fun..ok so

start the day off with a walk NAKED!

the main course would have to involve hypnotising a whole city of ppl and convinving them to hold their breaths till they almost die...and then get them to do it again...!

MASSIVE orgies...women men its even..arms legs yay!

shoot animals at the zoo...from outside the fences...

rob a bank and drop the money off tall buildings...

so much soo much !

no consequences huh?! id end the day with anouncimg what i once told someone on a balcony from a rooftop! hehe...ab bolo bitch!

Anonymous said...

skydive naked!! have alwys wanted to kow what that wod feel lke :^o

3rd avenue said...

i'd have a one-night stand with abhishek bachan, give birth to a set of triplets, tell my parents this one thing i haven't told them yet, and kick ****'s ass, shove a habanero-laced-stick in it then let it come out ****'s mouth...


what about you?

just muttering said...

sc: i dunoo abt kill....but i'd love to zap ppl here n there... carry around a electrifying thingamajig so that everyone i touched went *BZZZZT* hehe that'd be fun...:P

so0o racoonboy...shoot animals?!? tsktsktsk...daymn ur a sadistic"beerain"sadist :P ... aur ab bolo bitch KYA?? this wasnt a personal invitation/provocation for you...ufff Everything isnt abt you ..its abt me rember!!

anon: iv seen some crazy pics of that! (inverted boobs and what not) quite something!

flyingcow: 2). Birth?-to-*triplets????-OUCHHH* whyyy whyy whyy?? 4). wow! violent! i like! **** better watch out! :)

melon collie said...

i would brush strands of golden hair from julie delpy's forehead, and gently kiss her on her earlobe.