Sunday, February 27, 2005

comments and replies

o0k so0o my coments and replies are becoming full blown discussions so0o decided to post them on my blog....
tree elf:
this isnt abt a "new world view"!! this is how it is! w/ it darling.
1)I so0o dont belive in this "oh its guys nature" crap ..i mean seriously if the history of humans or evolution has taught us anything is that humans have the capacity to adapt and evolve ....so0o quit w/ the lame excuses and start evolving already.
2)You might need us. But it takes 2 to tango i said ...woman was not made to be slave to all that man is too lazy to do! Good kids are raised by good parents!! parentS not mothers ....i know far too many messed up kids w/ amazing mothers and not so amazing fathers to belive that this is a one person job.
3)God ordered us to cover up NOT to stay out of the work place... theres a big difference ...and therefore not even relevent.

i agree w/ you an extent I do blame women for the state of our men. This bullshit male chauvenistic (esp. pakistani-lazy-ass-need-a-woman-to-take-care-of-them-etc-type mentality is something that only women can irradicate has nothing to do w/ the nature of men and everything to do with upbringing. It is for mothers (and fathers) to instill in their sons an inherent respect for women and lessons on treating women as equals and only then can we possibly one day actually be proud of the "men of this nation" till then we have a longggg way to go....


Ent said...


Ent said...

1) evolution might just be a myth. There is STILL no scientific proof. that's why it's the THEORY of evolution. :P

2) nope. not really. kids spend more time with moms.

3) matter of belief. i did say it in an aside.

Ent said...


just muttering said...

double *sigh*

1)ques and argue evolution all you want..the a persons capacity to adapt to situations and circumstances is proven fact

2)maybe thats why most turn out so messed up! a fathers involvement can only do them good!

3)if ur not talking abt islam i stand corrected! ...otherwise you dont want me to start quoting and giving examples from the Prophets life do you....


~meyum & a half~ said...

i say truce!!!!;)