Wednesday, June 01, 2005

now where'd I put my anti-aging cream??

what the fuck ... you wake up one moring that lasts a year or so and you say what the fuck ? did i just spend my entire life inside a bubble and now someone walking along has just decided to poke it and burst the daymn thing and now there i am knocked to the floor suddenly a grown up and suddenly i see all this shit i never had to be bothered to see before. All of a sudden i see everyone my friends my family people i'v just met as the actual complex flawed individuals that they have always been....where the hell did all the normal happy people from my past go? Why did I always think I was different? alone even? daymn that was naive of me...and Now i know im not the only fucked up one and for some reason the thought is not really comforting in the least....


Natasha said...

don't worry it happens. a family remains to be incomplete without its share of highly complexed and flawed individuals. it's the situation everywhere :D. but then again nothing can be done. thanx for leaving a comment on my blog. you've got a neat place here :) take care!

just muttering said...


Anonymous said...

if anything that should make you feel better. See. All of us in the same boat...lots of company : )

Top Anti Wrinkle Cream Review said...

Hydroxatone Cream is one of the most powerful anti-aging products, but one of the most affordable. Hydroxatones' four step system is a much better option than having plastic surgery or getting Botox. Any you can get it without having to go to your doctors office. With all of the hectic and harmful things you encounter in everyday life everyone needs a little help keeping that glow about them! Hydroxatone Cream is just that, a little help with gaining the confidence so that you know you look and feel young again.

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