Tuesday, June 14, 2005

what is the point of this exsistence...yes yes i know its an age old question... but honestly...why is this? and why this way?... an endless number of individals strung together dangling from this flimsy thread called life invariably banging into the people on either side ....battle of wits. battle of the sexes. family feuds. No one is ever entirly content with the idea that your life is never just your its to be shared, cut up almost and divided into pieces even; distributed ("This is my Body and This is my Blood"). No one is ever comfortable with that. not even the ones who belive they are ...they just push it to the back of their existance along with the other rusty relics of thier innocence. Is this one of the tests.... to see who will best bend over backwards to accomodate the incessant impositions on them. their ways. their life... or is it to see who cracks first or who cracks the most? Thats one fucked up test. But what i'm not completly sure about is can one ever truely be at peace not just with your self but with the people in your life even the ones you love more then life itself..... Is it possibe for one to exist and allow them the same?

urgh. waking for work in 5 hrs ....more muttering on this laters...

1 comment:

just muttering said...

thnkx ...trying :P